Sunday, November 30, 2008

FaceBook is a Sign of the Coming Apocalypse

So, I became an uber-junkie, Facebook-freak officially on 11/29/08 at 9:04 pm, when my semi-annoyed husband said, "Why don't you just create your own account," instead of contacting my friends through his account. 'Why not?' I thought - it would be a fun way to keep in contact with old mission companions, long-lost friends, and new friends. What I did not know....could not the addictive nature of the medium. I have literally spent the past hour and a half IM-ing an old mission companion, a friend from elementary school, and a pal from my ward all at the same time, and....wait for it.....I have never IM-ed before tonight. Earlier this evening I swapped emails with a guy from junior/high school who used to 'gleek' on me, and tracked down old friends from Federal Way - oh my gosh, Emily Wade is friends with Tami Hineman who has a connection to Inger Bjorn and she has a connection to Kacie Thiess and she has a connection get the's sheer madness. I have resolved to make my Facebook "stops" throughout the day a reward for getting something else done, otherwise there is no hope for me, or for Scott. Also, just a thought, am I wrong or does it seem that having the most "friends" is somehow a status symbol, much like having a bigger car, a bigger house, a bigger stick, etc. Just a thought....but I have already found myself teasing Scott about my rising number of friends - a number that started low from my effort to be discerning, but was quickly swayed and opened ot any-and-all by my own ego (that's right, I'll admit it). Plus, I have noticed that as soon as you join, all these people start 'climbing out of the woodworks', so to speak - I don't know whether to be flattered or frightened - quite a conundrum! But it is fun, I must admit!

I feel that you should all join Facebook so that I don't feel so guilty about my guilty-pleasure.

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