Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sara's making me blog again. That's right. MAKING me.

Well, according to Sara, I have a monthly blog quota of one a month. So here it is 11:50pm on the 30th of November. Met my quota, sucka! She says it doesn't have to be anything lengthy, but it should cover my brother's wedding, his reception, my stay in Utah, the reception here in Washington, the time I spent with my nieces and nephews, and Thanksgiving. So here's my recap, Scott-style.
David and Erin's wedding was beautiful. Erin and her family are truly wonderful. All I can say is: you lucked out, bro. :) For a much better blog on the wedding visit The Waldron Clan's blog:
Here's Mr. Fugly with the much-better-looking Happy Couple.

...seriously. How great of a brother am I? I passed up the good genes so my siblings could have them all. I know. I know. I'm a giver.

And now for some super-cute niece/nephew pictures from the temple:

As for our stay in Utah, we came.
We ate.We conquered.Also, Joel is cool.
The reception in Washington was also very nice. Again, for a far superior blog on our trip,the WA reception, and Thanksgiving simply look below this sorry excuse for a blog and check out Sara's pro-style commentary.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, Dallin!

Claire! Aaaaaannnddd....GIRL VS. BEAST!!!

That's all for now folks! Blog finished, Sara appeased, Scott somewhat fulfilled.


Katie said...

Scott, you just tell Sara that you will only blog when you feel like it! Although, I do enjoy your posts and wouldn't mind reading them once a month!

--kumi-- said...

You make me laugh, Scott! I would read it more than once a month!

Jen Bug said...

Anyone who uses the word "fugly" should blog more than once a month, in my humble opinion.